Simplified Git management tool

Work Instruction

  • Install git
sudo apt install git
  • Install Github desktop in Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install snapd
sudo snap install GitHubDesktop-linux-2.0.4-linux1.snap --classic --dangerous
  • Go to Activities and Search github desktop

  • Download to local using github desktop

    • Download github desktop and vs code
    • Open github desktop and login

Trial and Error

Authentication Failure

  • Go to github
  • Go to right upper corner and click settings
  • Go to left lower corner and click developer settings
  • Go to personal access toekns
  • Go to Tokens (classic)
  • Click Generate new token or regenerate if you already have it
  • Copy and paste token to Password
  • register user name and password to local pc git
    git config --global ''
    git config --global user.password ‘copied_token’

    In short, password = token

  • 참고로, 첫 화면에서는 로그인하지 않은 상태로 브랜치를 땡겨오고, 이후에 푸쉬할 때 user email과 token(password)를 입력하면 정상 사용 가능하다.
